Thursday, July 26, 2012

Here goes our loot to VIctory Noll!

Our little sewing club sewed up some loot for Victory Noll's gift shop in Huntington, In. We made quite a few pillows, rosary bags and a throw. One of our member's, Marilyn Brown is an associate there. We had quite a day touring the grounds and buildings and seeing all the lovely things there including Father Fahey's flower beds.  They served a marvelous lunch as well.  So I will leave you to look at the photos!
Marilyn Brown and Barb Morse

Marilyn and Gwen , this is Marilyn's new sewing room which is filled with glorious light!
Father's flowers

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Finished the little slutty cheater quilt... :-O

I finished it today, it will go to charity. I don't care if it is a cheater quilt, it felt good to get it finished! I much prefer a pieced quilt but I do like the colors of this one, kinda spicy!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Yeah, its a CHEATER QUILT... lol

I have had this in my stash a heck of a long time. Been meaning to sew it up so I finally got around to it today. I think it will look much better once I quilt it and add a border of some kind. There was some border that came with it but I don't think it will be enough. I will really have to get creative if I use it, would like to use it though. I will probably use a light blue thread to quilt with. Anyway this is the very first cheater I have ever done, kinda makes me feel a little slutty.... not sure why? lol I will post another picture once its done.

Civil War Era Poem About Drought, well said...

THE sky is brass, the lordly sun
Looks down with a fiery eye, The shallow rivers scarcely run,
The streamlet's bed is dry.
The meadow's crust is stiff and hard, The trees have a sombre hue,
The threadbare coat of the rusty sward Needs patching with verdure anew.
Still bearing down, still staring down, The remorseless rays are cast,
And scorching hamlet and seething town Both swoon in their fiery blast.
The dust lies thick in the village road, The cattle crowd to the muddy pool,
The swarming flies high revel hold—Drowsily buzzes the village school.
Oh heavily droops the bearded grain, The summer flowers wilt and die,
And stretch their tiny stems in vain To the clouds for tears of sympathy
None come ; but the sound men ache to hear
Is the hurtling rush of the arrowy rain
Hurling its cohorts from far and near On roof-tree and window-pane.
A thousand tongues for its coming pray,
A thousand hearts for its advent long: Oh come and chase our gloom away--
Descend, and fill the land with song !
July 20, 1864.

Monday, July 16, 2012

My short legged doll, Ms Vetra...

Just a short note to show you my doll  I made recently. She is a short legged girl but I kinda like her. A friend of mine gifted me with a long quilt shelf. I am re-doing the upstairs guest room and want to put it up over the headboard. I would like to make about 6 more dolls to line up on the shelf part. I saw something similar on you know where and I am such a copy cat...:-O

Anyway here she is, named her after my Aunt Vetra who lived in Memphis close to downtown in an old painted lady Victorian. I remember that house so well, it had three floors and I explored every nook and cranny. What is a cranny anyway? lol I made her a bonnet and caught her a chicken to hold, it makes her feel better to hold a chicken....

More RAIN, please SIR... Indiana is dry as an old bone...

My poor old yard used to be so green and pretty... Can't even burn the fire pit or roast a marshmallow because we are under a burning ban. We had no fireworks for the 4th like a lot of others that didn't either...

I have managed to keep my little garden alive and the tomatoes are starting to ripen. Its weird but the Italian tomatoes seem to be huge this year, maybe its the high temps or something?
I have watered my flowers faithfully out back. I tried to copy a bed I saw on Pinterest, its similar but not exactly alike. You will probably know the one I am talking about when you see the picture below...
 I tried making a faire garden too but it looks a little barren.

 It needs a faire! Have not found one yet...
My corn looks dang good for all the dry hot days, I water it every morning. I think it must be one of the only things around that the bees and wasps need. They work it like mad all day long..
 My hubby can't wait for me to cut some off the cob and fry it.. (its a southern thang yall)

Well, hope everyone is doing ok in the drought areas who planted a garden. I am afraid any day they will tell us we can't water the garden, they already told us not to water the grass!