Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I finally got a copy of THE APRON BOOK!

This is such an awesome book! I have wanted one for a long time and finally found a copy at Joann's even though I have looked there a dozen times before. There it was on the shelf! YES! Such a fun read and it gave me so many ideas to copy. It shows a lot of ways to use rick rack and binding that I had not thought of.  Plus it has pattern ideas as well.

Well for that last few days I have been trying to finish some Christmas presents that I really want to brag about on here but I don't dare because ya never know who might be peeking! 
I am really getting to enjoy my sewing machine on this short Christmas break from eBay.... Boy am I making a big fat mess~!


  1. Yep, EllynAnne's book is awesome! I luv mine too!
    Did you know she has a Blog?
    She also has a book out about vinetage linens.
    I just discovered your blog & luv it....
