Thursday, April 14, 2011

I made bread pudding today yall....

What can I say, I am a big fan of White Trash Cookin Cook Books.... I have tried lots of the recipes in this series of books and everyone of them are awesome...
This is how its made...
My pan is an old Bakerex pan, I used Pam on it and got it hot in the oven.  I tore up a whole long loaf of french bread and placed the first layer (there are two) in the oiled pan. Then I sprinkled a half cup of raisins on that. It takes a stick and a half of butter (this is fattening but good yall)... Take the whole stick and slice it and pad that first layer, now add the last of the bread and a quarter cup of raisins sprinkled in and the rest of the buter padded on.  In a  bowl mix 5 eggs, one can Pet milk, 1 cup regular milk and 1 cup of water, mix well and then add 3 teaspoons of Vanilla extract.  Mix again and pour over the bread.  Kind of mash it down  a little till it all gets wet.  Cook in a slow oven (300) for about an hour and a half.  Then I made hard sauce for it but you don't have to... I used orange Liquor but Jack is just as good mixed with powdered sugar till you get the consistancy you want, you need need a whole lot of hard sauce, just enough to dribble on each helping.  Men love this stuff as well as do women of substance!
YAAAH HEEEE! thats Cajun for Yeee Haah ! :-O

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Scarce Singer Model 179 just in...

I will be listing this tonight on paulsdomestiques1 on ebay... The only info I can find is one picture on needlebar. Nowhere else on the net can I find it which makes this quite a machine indeed! Not even in my Singer groups can I find any info. This machine looks like it was rarely if ever used! It has thr RAF decals which are not commonly found here in the USA... so check it out tonight on ebay... and have a great Spring day! and sew a little too!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

This morning is glorious!

  We are having the warmest day we have so far this Spring, somewhere in the mid 8o's they predict. Even though I had to get up by myself and go on to church (hubbs works on Sunday's now) it was still a beautiful morning. This is the view in front of my Singer 201-2.  My prim place is in the city although I lived in the countryside of Noble County Indiana for 18 years I have been back in the city for the last 12 and I love it.  We moved back just before the second grandbaby was born. I retired from nursing and choose to stay home and  keep the babies while Mom and Dad worked.

 I am lucky to have a fenced in backyard for my two dogs and a half way decent sized front porch with a swing.  I also have a small back porch that I would like to prim up a little better. So far I have painted the porch floor black but would like to stencil it yet.  I plan on putting in a new garden soon and I will always have a big stand of Sweet Annie, I need my Sweet Annie... lol

  I have a lot of plans for things I would like to do to the house but it always takes longer and cost more than expected, I guess its the same for all of us.  I need to plant a few more flowers in the front yard and add a couple of street trees since I don't think the city is ever going to get around to it. Maybe I will put in some Bradford pears on the city side. 

This week I hope to get my windows washed, I plan on making some new curtains if I can ever find the fabric I need. I want a sage green check and I can find lots of green check but not sage... so the hunt goes on. I hope this week stays sunny, I could really use some sunny days. My brain has had enough of dreary rainy days. Maybe a tulip will bloom, who knows. Happy Easter Season to you all and may the "Prim" be with you...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Using up my vintage Quilt Blocks ...

The one on the left is supposed to be from a Civil War era quilt, the pieces had been taken apart from the quilt and even the stitches had been taken out but you could still see the imprint from being in a quilt for over a hundred years! The orange one with the little blocks were from a block lot I bought on ebay, the piecing is rather crooked. The little blue and white one is from an Irish Chain quilt I think. I stuffed it full with Sweet Annie from my garden. I made the mistake of pressing it to my face and taking a deep breath, whooooo! It smells like Vick's Salve almost! lol I have a few more I want to make for the couch and then I want to make some new ones for the old black porch swing before summer hits.  I need to be comfy while swilling down my sweet tea!

Scrap Cat Finished...

Old Scrap Cat is done and sits in my kitchen window watching the birds. He was the one I made from the sneaky quilt piece I found stuffed inside my quilt block bag I bought recently.  Just thought I would share.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Easter Comes To My House...

I used to work part time at our local Joann's and I spent more than I made (you can imagine right?) While there on two different Easter's I purchased these cute egg cups. My favorites are the bunny and duck shoes... lol

I have two beautiful Grandaughers, Riley and Jami. All my portrait pictures are mainly of them doing this or that. I mingled in some bunnies and eggs on the piano with their school pictures. When its a little closer I will lay in some chocalate eggs and see if they notice.. (they will)
A couple of years ago I was making a lot of prim crafts and selling them on eBay. I bought a ton of rusted bed springs, this is what I did with one of them.

While I was surfing blogspots (one of my favorite things to do) I spied this gal's table, now that's what I want! She had this huge wood dough bowl and in it was a standing prim bunny in an old dress and in the bowl was all kinds of  old wood eggs and prim carrots and grass. Underneath she had a beautiful coverlet tablecloth. Her room was just gorgeous! I want that!

Lastly and kind of needing a little something is my egg wreath. (Its time to either pitch it or make it over again but can't think what to do with it!)

Monday, April 4, 2011

She thought she was pulling a fast one but she does not know how a Prim Gal do....

Recently I bought a large bag of old quilt blocks here in Indiana. They were in a large taped shut clear bag with a note that said please do not open... I don't like to cause waves and I figured who can you trust but a Gal with old quilt scraps. The front and the back of the bag looked pretty good, nice old blocks and different patterns too.  So you can imagine when I got home I ripped right into that bag. This seller had placed the best on the front and in the back and that's OK but on the inside, carefully hidden and folded was the bulk of the bag... Completely faded and with no trace of color left except some little black dots was the bulk of my purchase. I paid 25 dollars for this bag and was hoping for more than two quilt blocks but what can ya do...  Well I'll tell you what you can do!

So...... today I got out the carefully folded and hidden piece and wondered what if anything I can do with it. First I was thinking sheep because I have a few on the landing that I could add to.. Hmmm then I remembered I had seen a chicken sticking in shelf in one of the prim magazines that I thought I might make and then I remembered, I can't have a real cat so I guess I will make a prim cat.  I looked through all my old patterns and found a cat I liked. I just gotta tell ya, by the time I had finished I used almost all of that old sneaky piece of a quilt! lol  I cut out about 6 different cats and some birds  and a dozen Gingerbread men and a few stars too!  So I guess she really didn't pull such a fast one as she thought. I guess she didn't know what a Prim Gal could do!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

We Have A New Family Member!

I would like to introduce Miss Bitsi Boo JRT...
What a little dolly! I love this dog so much already its hard for me to go to the store! She weighs a whole 11 pounds and our Vet says she about 1- 2 years old. Believe it or not she is a Craigslist pup from Ohio. A very broken hearted Dad had to find her a new home because she was too lonely. She had wonderful house manners and is so loving and sweet. She has much much much energy but NOT too much, I like to see her run and jump and fetch. She keeps the other dogs hopping for sure. She rules the roost even though she is so small. But the two old guys love her and have made fast friends. She really loves the grand kids too but I hear they don't like cats, neither do the two Aussies.... so I guess its a match made in heaven (thanks goodness I don't have a cat!) Bitsi Boo, yep... she's a keeper!

A Lot Has Changed...

I had this wonderful vacation planned, a week in PA and lots of antique malls and fabric stores... We went and now we are back. So what was my problem? For one I could not find the Quilt Museum in Lancaster, lots of the Antique shops were closed in Adamstown, either because it was the wrong day or they had not opened for the season yet. I never came across one fabric store... The weather was bleak, gray, rainy and cold. And another problem was some depression and some unexpected anxiety about leaving old Blue at the new kennel...

However I did find a few nice things or I should say the Hubbs did. He collects antique buttons and he must have bought another 10 pounds of them plus a nifty old wood trunk for some of his collection.  I bought a few (and I mean very few) old quilt blocks. One thing that really shocked me was the price of old quilt blocks at the antique malls! Wowsa! You get about 6 or 7 blocks for 60 dollars. I thought PA was the home of the quilters and that sort of thing would be plentiful but oh my what a shocker! We have way more in Indiana and a lot better prices too!

I am not saying PA was not beautiful, it really was and our stay in Gettysburg was really nice but the restaurants left something to be desired no matter what area we were in. The mountains were beautiful and still snowy. The rivers and streams were all running rampant and there was lots of minor flooding.  We did see some beautiful buffalo and got a few nice photos of them.  Almost on the last few miles of PA road we stopped at a roadside Antique Mall and I did find my beloved Singer 201-2 that I had been lusting after for only 30 dollars! The Hubbs worked quickly with a trusty screwdriver and took it out of its cabinet which we left behind for the seller. 

oh well better luck next vacation....