Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Lot Has Changed...

I had this wonderful vacation planned, a week in PA and lots of antique malls and fabric stores... We went and now we are back. So what was my problem? For one I could not find the Quilt Museum in Lancaster, lots of the Antique shops were closed in Adamstown, either because it was the wrong day or they had not opened for the season yet. I never came across one fabric store... The weather was bleak, gray, rainy and cold. And another problem was some depression and some unexpected anxiety about leaving old Blue at the new kennel...

However I did find a few nice things or I should say the Hubbs did. He collects antique buttons and he must have bought another 10 pounds of them plus a nifty old wood trunk for some of his collection.  I bought a few (and I mean very few) old quilt blocks. One thing that really shocked me was the price of old quilt blocks at the antique malls! Wowsa! You get about 6 or 7 blocks for 60 dollars. I thought PA was the home of the quilters and that sort of thing would be plentiful but oh my what a shocker! We have way more in Indiana and a lot better prices too!

I am not saying PA was not beautiful, it really was and our stay in Gettysburg was really nice but the restaurants left something to be desired no matter what area we were in. The mountains were beautiful and still snowy. The rivers and streams were all running rampant and there was lots of minor flooding.  We did see some beautiful buffalo and got a few nice photos of them.  Almost on the last few miles of PA road we stopped at a roadside Antique Mall and I did find my beloved Singer 201-2 that I had been lusting after for only 30 dollars! The Hubbs worked quickly with a trusty screwdriver and took it out of its cabinet which we left behind for the seller. 

oh well better luck next vacation....

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