Monday, January 16, 2012

I could just do a flip!

I could just do a double back flip! My husband bought me a brand spanking new machine for our 42nd! I just can not wait till its delivered! It's a very fast FAST Juki TL-2000Qi Long arm quilting machine. I just can't believe it! If anyone else has one please leave a comment and let me know anything you have gleaned from using this sweetie pie.  I even got a 50 dollar gift certificate with it, guess I will get me some good thread, which kind should I buy? I have been using my old Singer 15-91 to free motion on and I am so very fond of it but WOW a real quilting machine! I am just so excited!
Blessings to all!


  1. Happy Anniversary--------what a wonderful present.

  2. Wow, that's so awesome!! What a wonderful hubby! =] Have fun with it.

    Happy Anniversary~

  3. Happy Anniversary, Gwen! What an awesome gift!!! You are going to have to tell us all about how it sews once you do your first quilt with it! And your hubby? Well, I think he is definitely a keeper!



  4. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  5. Will you put it on a frame, or just fmq? I have the Juki TL-98E...the very first one, and I LOVE it. I actually love it so much, I bought a second one off eBay a few years ago for a backup. Mine is on a Hinterberg frame and I bought the Quilter's Cruise Control, and the QCC is specific to the machine. Since the QCC was $500, I didn't want to have to buy a different machine. No worries there. This machine is AWESOME! One thing I would recommend, is using Magna-Glide bobbins. They are wonderful. On my frame, I only go through about a bobbin and a half to quilt a whole quilt! If you haven't tried them or heard of them, check them out! The magnet keeps the thread consistent, and there are no loops, or loose spots, and the thread RARELY breaks. You never have to worry about what the back of your quilt looks like.

    Whew, I better get ready for work! Enjoy your new baby!

  6. PS. For frame and QCC quilting, the fastest speed is best. Don't be surprised at the speed of this baby! Your new machine will have speed control, but mine is full speed ahead!

  7. Happy Anniversary, wow what a scrummy machine. Julie xxx

  8. Congrats Gwen, what an awesome gift! Enjoy! Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Loretta

  9. I have had my Juki TL98 for about 8 years. I love it! It's the one I do free motion quilting on when I am making a king size. I have it in a cabinet, cuz that's just the way I like to do free interest in a long or mid arm frame system. For the last king size quilt I did I wanted to use a Superior thread that was not avaialable in cones, only spools, and the Juki doesn't like to deliver from a spool sitting vertically on the machine and there is no horozontal spool pin. So I taped a piece of wire on the spool pin, bent the wire out horozontally and put a spool cap on it to hold it. Hubby and I had fun shopping at Lowe's to find the right size wire that would accomodate the spool, the spool cap and be flexible enough to bend, but not too flexible!.Superior has since come out with a thread holder that will deliver thread in multiple ways. Have fun with the Juki, it is a great machine. I love the scissors function, although I had to disable it from the foot pedal as I hit is inadvertently too many times!
