This is how its made...
My pan is an old Bakerex pan, I used Pam on it and got it hot in the oven. I tore up a whole long loaf of french bread and placed the first layer (there are two) in the oiled pan. Then I sprinkled a half cup of raisins on that. It takes a stick and a half of butter (this is fattening but good yall)... Take the whole stick and slice it and pad that first layer, now add the last of the bread and a quarter cup of raisins sprinkled in and the rest of the buter padded on. In a bowl mix 5 eggs, one can Pet milk, 1 cup regular milk and 1 cup of water, mix well and then add 3 teaspoons of Vanilla extract. Mix again and pour over the bread. Kind of mash it down a little till it all gets wet. Cook in a slow oven (300) for about an hour and a half. Then I made hard sauce for it but you don't have to... I used orange Liquor but Jack is just as good mixed with powdered sugar till you get the consistancy you want, you need need a whole lot of hard sauce, just enough to dribble on each helping. Men love this stuff as well as do women of substance!
YAAAH HEEEE! thats Cajun for Yeee Haah ! :-O