Hard to tell in the photo but it does match the curtains. Outside we are getting just a taste of the storm, some very cold rain and I think we had flurries this morning. It looks sunny but its far from it. Anyway I had enough of the fabric left to cover some pillows across the top of the bed. The grand cost for the curtains, bed skirt and pillow cover? $3.00, yep that's right, fabric from a garage sale this summer. A quilter was getting rid of all her homespun and I snapped it up. Maybe she is into burlap now, who knows. I am not much of a burlap fan yet. I really didn't even notice the big hoopla about burlap till just the other day. Not sure where I was when it became popular. I still need to buy a rug or two and I have an old wood trunk I want to paint for the foot of the bed. I saw one on Pinterest that I kinda would like to copy. If I get it done I will try to post.
Now... don't judge too harshly my mural, its been a long time since I painted pictures of anything! lol
This wall is right outside of my poor little bathroom which you so most of in an earlier post. All I did on the mural was throw some houses up that I saw on other prim stuff, they are not very fancy. And sheep are not hard to draw at all.

My Jack Russell keeps going over and smelling the cat on the wall...

This wall is starting to lead to the stairwell, do you see my Jack Russell rendition, her head and front paws are after a rabbit, all that is sticking out is her feet and her little waggy tail.

The wind is even blowing in the mural!
Now this is the landing and I just had to do one more log wall!

I still have to paint a mural from the landing down to the dinning room yet, will post when its finally finished, hopefully before Thanksgiving!
And last but not least I finally did all I could to the bathroom, its big enough to use and take a bath in and that's about it! lol I did finally get the curtains made, I am sure the neighbors are relieved!
LASTLY, I am praying for all who are in the way of this awful storm. May the Good Lord keep you ALL safe!